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A Equipe


Acreditamos que grandes empresas nascem de grandes funcionários. Com nossa equipe fabulosa comandando o show e operando nossos serviços online, estamos confiantes de que você obterá os melhores produtos, ideias e dicas sempre que fizer compras em nossa loja. Saiba mais sobre nossa incrível equipe abaixo.

Woman in White Sweater


O Dono da Porra Toda

We’re so lucky to have such a wonderful Product Designer as part of our team. When Alex Smith joined us, we knew we made a terrific decision, and their talent and dedication have proven themselves time and time again.

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Casual Portrait


Contator de Rebite Profissional

This team member brings their delightful personality and professional experience with them every day they come into work. It’s hard to imagine where we’d be without our trusted Quality Assurance Manager.

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Wearing Grey Wool Jacket


Preenchendo as cotas da Marumbi

After adding River Watts to the staff as our new Merchandise Buyer, it really felt like our team took a giant leap forward. Not only do they excel at their personal responsibilities but they also serve as a great example for our less experienced employees.

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